Absolut supercoole, völlig wahnwitzige Idee! ...

Absolut supercoole, völlig wahnwitzige Idee! Besonders gefällt mir, dass sie einen einfachen Gymnastikball als Landehilfe benutzen. Solange es noch solche verrückten Erfinder in Deutschland gibt, ist das Land nicht verloren! Daumen hoch!


sUAS News – The Business of Drones – The Business of Drones. sUAS News is the leading news and information source for unmanned aviation. Started and collated by UAS pilots and professionals. Separating the wheat from the chaff in a snake oil filled market. Stay informed and learn how to earn in the business of drones with sUAS News.

The Business of Drones. sUAS News is the leading news and information source for unmanned aviation. Started and collated by UAS pilots and professionals. Separating the wheat from the chaff in a snake oil filled market. Stay informed and learn how to earn in the business of drones with sUAS News.

