Falls ihr euch gerne mal ...

Falls ihr euch gerne mal bei euren Vegetarier/Veganerfreunden unbeliebt machen wollt: Die reine Fleischdiät ist gesund, solange das Fleisch genug Fett enthält!

“In einem klinischen Versuch ernährten sich Vilhjálmur Stefánsson und Rudolph Martin Anderson ein Jahr lang in New York ausschließlich von Fleisch. Beide vertrugen diese Diät problemlos.”

Ich zitiere mal aus der Studie von 1930 (http://www.jbc.org/content/87/3/651.full.pdf):

  1. Two men lived on an exclusive meat diet for 1 year and a third man for 10 days. The relative amounts of lean and fat, meat ingested were left to the instinctive choice of the individuals.
  2. The protein content varied from 100 to 140 gm., the fat from 200 to 300 gm., the carbohydrate, derived entirely from the meat, from 7 to 12 gm., and the fuel value from 2000 to 3100 calories.
  3. At the end of the year, the subjects were mentally alert, physically active, and showed no specific physical changes in any system of the body. …
  4. Vitamin deficiencies did not appear. …
  5. Urine examinations, determinations of the nitrogenous constituents of the blood, and kidney function tests revealed no evidence of kidney damage. …
  6. In these trained subjects, the clinical observations and laboratory studies gave no evidence that any ill effects had occurred from the prolonged use of the exclusive meat diet.


Kaninchenhunger – Wikipedia
