Ein Zitat aus dem Artikel: ...

Ein Zitat aus dem Artikel:

“There might have been brilliant scientific minds freezing for hours in the line behind me in order to be able to bring their know-how to Germany (remember that the line I was waiting in was only for students and scientists), only to be told later they would have to try and freeze another day because there would be no more numbers that day. This is an international shame. Sort it out, Germany.”

Meine eigenen Erfahrungen habe ich hier beschrieben: https://asmaier.blogspot.de/2012/02/traurige-geschichten-aus-der.html


The horror of the German Foreigners Registration Office

I am not German, but being a citizen of another EU country living in Germany, I never had to deal with any German authority for foreigners (EU citizens can move freely within the EU borders and

