Der Erfinder von Keras beschreibt ...

Der Erfinder von Keras beschreibt hier die wichtigsten Probleme und mögliche Lösungen für die Anwendung von AI. Ein absoluter Must-Read-Artikel:

“The issue is not AI itself. The issue is control. …. Here’s an idea — any algorithmic newsfeed with significant adoption should:

  • Transparently convey what objectives the feed algorithm is currently optimizing for, and how these objectives are affecting your information diet.
  • Give you intuitive tools to set these goals yourself. For instance, it should be possible for you to configure your newsfeed to maximize learning and personal growth — in specific directions.
  • Feature an always-visible measure of how much time you are spending on the feed.
  • Feature tools to stay control of how much time you’re spending on the feed — such as a daily time target, past which the algorithm will seek to get you off the feed. … What if newsfeed algorithms didn’t operate like casino operators or propagandists? What if instead, they were closer to a mentor or a good librarian, … In the far future, such products will likely take the form of AI assistants. … Build search engines and digital assistants, not social newsfeeds. Make your recommendation engines transparent, configurable, and constructive, rather than slot-like machines that maximize “engagement” and wasted hours of human time.”

What worries me about AI

Disclaimer: These are my own personal views. I do not speak for my employer. If you quote this article, please have the honesty to present…

