Es gibt inzwischen eine Initiative ...

Es gibt inzwischen eine Initiative in der EU mehr Züge und vor allem mehr Nachtzüge zwischen den Metropolen einzurichten. Das ganze kann man nur begrüßen. Besonders wer mal Züge ins europäische Ausland gebucht hat, weiß, dass das bei weitem nicht so einfach ist wie Flugtickets zu buchen.

Unter gibt es eine interessante Zusammenfassung eines Treffens der Initiative in Hamburg, u.a. mit folgenden Erkenntnissen:

  • There is still no tax on flight fuel, but trains are taxed for their electricity and diesel
  • cars and coaches pay no toll on German motorways, yet trains have to pay track access charges
  • It must be possible to book all trains on one neutral platform.
  • Its got to be easier to book trains. It should be as easy to book a train as it is to book a plane
  • Track access has to come down and be harmonised across the EU
  • Approval, regulations and standards have to be unified. At the moment any given train has to conform to the regulations of every country it passes through.
  • Sweden is already taking real steps to foster night trains.
  • From January 2020, there will be a twice-weekly Nightjet service from Vienna to Brussels and back
  • From January 2021, there will be a Nightjet from Vienna to Amsterdam
  • For very long distances, the night train would be perfect.
  • You don’t get rich running night trains, but if you do it well, you can run it as a sustainable business. Nightjets are regularly booked out.

Und zu guter Letzt:

  • Everyone knows we are going to have to go more by train and less by plane.

More emphasis on trains in Europe to replace flights – Back-on-Track

The Green Deal for Europe should, among other elements, reduce aviation (which is harmful to the climate) and promote alternatives. The activist network Back-on-Track has pointed out five areas of priority, where improvements are needed to get cross-border long-distance trains in shape to provide alternatives to flights. International night trains are identified as a “low-hanging fruit” which can turn the tide in favor of climate friendly transportation.

